Cookie policy overview


This policy applies to all cookies used by Focus Business Solutions Limited [‘Focus’] on any of its websites. For information on how Focus uses your personal data, please read our privacy policy using the link at the bottom of the website you are browsing.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a simple text file which stores small pieces of information. When you visit a website, its server saves the cookie onto your computer or other device. Only that website’s server will be able to read or retrieve the contents of that cookie. When you return to the site, the site can access its previously placed cookie to uniquely identify your browser.

Cookies do many different jobs like ensuring the security of our websites, storing your preferences, helping you navigate effectively, and improving your overall experience of a website. Cookies make the interaction between you and the website quicker and easier. For example, a cookie might store information so you don't have to keep entering it.

How does Focus use cookies?

We use cookies for different purposes. Some cookies are needed to make our website work and to keep it secure. These can’t be turned off and are called ‘strictly necessary cookies’ or ‘essential cookies’. Other cookies such as 'Experience and insight cookies' and 'Marketing cookies' are considered non-essential and require your consent to be turned on. Focus do not use these types of cookies.

Essential cookies

These cookies are needed for you to be able to use our websites securely. These are automatically set when you open our website and cannot be turned off.

You can find a full list of the cookies used on our websites below.

What type of cookies does Focus use?

We use both first and third party cookies.

First party cookies

These are set by Focus and the data collected isn’t shared with anyone. These cookies are used to remember information about how you use the website(s).

Third party cookies

These are placed on your device by a Third Party’s website other than the one you’re on. If you want to control how such Third Parties can use your data then you need to set your privacy choices on their site.

Cookies in emails

In addition to the cookies we use on this website, we also use cookies and similar technologies in some emails. These are first party cookies that help us to understand whether you have opened the email and how you have interacted with it. If you have enabled images, cookies may also be set if you click on any link within the email.

You can find a full list of the cookies on our websites below.

How long are cookies saved for?

This depends on whether they are Session cookies or Persistent cookies.

Session cookies

These help with security, and also remember what you’ve done on previous web pages so you don’t have to re-enter information. These will be deleted once you close your browser after visiting a website.

Persistent cookies

These are used for lots of different things – one example will be to remember your cookie preferences between visits, so you don’t need to keep telling us which cookies to use. These will stay on your device once you close your browser after visiting a website. We’ll ask you to to confirm your cookie preferences every three months, but you can update your choices at any time through this cookie policy.

How do I update my cookie preferences?

You can disable and remove the cookies if your browser supports this. To check and update your cookies settings, you will need to know what browser you are using and what version you have. You can usually find this out by opening the browser, then clicking on ‘Help’ and then ‘About’. This will give you information about the browser version you are using.

To manage your cookies, refer to your browser’s help section.

Remember, if you amend your cookie settings, your browsing experience may change for the worse. For example, if you have set preferences on a website – such as your location for local news or weather forecasts – it will no longer remember these.

Which cookies does Focus use?

All of the cookies we use are essential. They make sure our website delivers information and services securely. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to move around our website or use its features. You can’t opt out of using these cookies.


privacyCookiesTracking (Focus)
Records whether or not you have accepted cookies on our site (expires after three years)

Anonymous analytics cookies

These help us make sure our websites are working. Their cookies track the number of unique anonymous users of the site, but they don’t allow us to identify any individuals and all data is anonymised.

_ga (Google analytics)
Used to distinguish users (expires after 10 minutes)
_gat (Google analytics)
Used to throttle request rate (expires after 2 years)
_gid (Google analytics)
Used to store and update a unique value for each page visited (expires after 24 hours)

Changes to this policy

We occasionally update our cookie policy. You should visit this page periodically if you want to keep yourself informed. Last updated on 6th June 2023.

We only use ‘essential’ cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits.

By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of these.